Paige Norwood Fundraiser

Paige Norwood Fundraiser

My name ls Paige Norwood and I am a junior in high school at Limestone Community High School. I have been selected to represent my high school at the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) for forensics. This program selects outstanding students, around the world to participate based on academics, extracurriculars, and good demonstrations of leadership qualities. It is an honor to be selected by the NSLC to enroll in the forensics program. I am very excited about this opportunity and the experience and knowledge I will gain by participating. I am writing this letter to you to inquire about receiving financial support so I would be able to attend this program.

During the program, I will have the opportunity to participate in activities to further my leadership abilities in areas such as communication, public speaking, and conflict resolution. In addition, I will be able to participate in activities based upon forensics to help me get a better understanding and it enables me to prepare for college. I will attend briefings and participate in discussions led by National and World leaders in forensics. The speakers from years past include, Dr. Jennifer Smith (Director of the Department of Forensic Science for D.C., Mr. Eugene Peters (Chief Counterterrorism and Forensic Research at the FBI), and Ms. Erin Michaels (Special Agent, Office of Forensic Support, NCIS).

The cost for me to attend the conference will be $4,000. This includes the tuition for the 9-day program in Washington D.C., room and board, food, course materials, program activities, travel to and from, and money for incidental expenses. I am requesting your help to meet this goal so I will be able to partake in this once in a lifetime experience.

Your financial support in any amount will be greatly appreciated and will make an enormous difference in helping me engage in all the NSLC has to offer. If you would like to look more into the program you can go to or you can call them directly at (800) 994-6752 If you have any questions for me personally, please feel free to contact me anytime with any of my information listed at the top of this letter.

Again, your assistance is greatly appreciated. I am always open to discuss any questions and concerns you have. I also welcome any suggestions or feedback you would be able to provide on this letter or fundraising. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Yours truly, Paige Norwood

A link to donate to Paige Norwood if you are so inclined.

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