Education’s Summer Meals Program

Education’s Summer Meals Program

Happy Holidays from the Village of Bartonville. As we approach the New Year, we are already thinking about next summer and how many children might have trouble finding meals. Many students rely on free and reduced-price meals when school is in session; however, when school let out for the summer, those children no longer have access to these meals. The Illinois State Board of Education’s Nutrition Division has a Summer Food Service Program that can help step in to help fight hunger during the summer months by providing reimbursement to sponsors who serve free meals to children.

This year we ask you to consider making it your goal to take action. Consider one or more of these simple “New Year Solutions” to support Summer Meals in your community.

Post on Twitter:
Communities can help the fight against hunger with Summer Meals! Let’s learn more:

Post on Facebook:
The Illinois State Board of Education’s Summer Meals program helps fight hunger in communities across Illinois! Learn more:

Call the Summer Meals team:
The Summer Meals team can answer questions, tell you next steps in becoming a sponsor or feeding site, or even, or even come talk to you and partners in your community. 1-800-545-7892 or email Amy Bianco at or Megan Kuchar at

Read more today:
Visit and click on “Start your Summer Program and Help to End Hunger in Your Community” under the “What’s New?” section.
On behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education’s Nutrition Division and the Village of Bartonville, we thank you for considering what you can do to increase the number of eligible Illinois children receiving healthy, nutritious meals during the summer months.

Michelle Carr-Bruce
Village Clerk, Bartonville

Read the flyer here

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