PD History

The Bartonville Police Department was formed in 1925.  We have recently added several pictures in the past.  We are currently looking for memorabilia from the past that has to do with the Bartonville Police Department. If you have anything that you would like to share with us, please call Police Chief Brian Fengel at 309-697-2323

The Ordinance that the Bartonville Police Department was built on was Article VII

Village Marshal,
31. Appointment. There is hereby created the officer of Village Marshal and Assistant Village Marshal. The President shall annually, with and by the consent of the Board of Trustees, appoint a Village Marshal, who shall hold office until the end of the municipal year for which he is appointed, unless he is sooner removed by the President.

32. Assistants. The President shall also appoint such Assistant Village Marshals, with and by the consent of the Village Board, as may be from time to time authorized by said Board to be appointed. Such Assistant Village Marshals shall hold office for the municipal year for which they are appointed, or such other time as may be designated in the resolution of the Board of Trustees which authorized their appointment.

33. Duties. The Village Marshal and Assistant Village Marshals shall preserve the peace within the corporate limits of the Village, and shall execute all processes directed to them by and Magistrate, and shall arrest on view any person violating any Village Ordinance or state law, and it shall be their duty to immediately bring such offender before the nearest Magistrate and enter complaint against such offender, and to appear at the trial of such person.

The Village Marshal shall also see that the streets, alleys and public places of the Village are kept clear and free of obstructions and that all nuisances defined in these ordinances, or other nuisances according to the facts shall be abated.

34. Attending Meetings. It shall be the duty of the Village Marshal to attend, when practicable, the meetings of the Board of Trustees. He shall keep the council room in proper order and condition, and shall be responsible for its proper lighting and orderly condition at all times. He shall also serve all notices ordered to be given by the Village Board, and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance, resolution or other order of the Village Board.

35. Compensation. The Assistant Village Marshals shall receive only such compensation as shall be provided for by resolution or ordinances authorizing their appointment, or shall be fixed otherwise by the Village Board.

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