Mowing Season Reminders

Mowing Season Reminders

Mowing season has arrived and with it, a reminder, don’t blow grass clippings into the road. The Village of Bartonville is reminding residents that, not only is it illegal it is potentially dangerous to those on a motorcycle. The addition of debris in the road can cause loss of traction and control for a motorcyclist and motorists of any kind. According to Illinois law (415 ILCS 105 Litter Control Act), it is illegal to deposit grass clippings onto any public roadway as it may cause injury to motorists or become a traffic hazard. There is also a Village ordinance forbidding this: Sec. 38-45. Debris on public ways. No person shall shovel, sweep, plow, or otherwise place or cause to be placed, any snow, ice, grass, leaves or other debris onto any of the streets, avenues, alleys, sidewalks, or other public ways within the Village. Any person who violates this Section shall be fined $150.00 for the first offense and not more than $750.00 for each offense thereafter. (Ord. No. 1514, 4-12-2007)

Please do your part to eliminate this potentially dangerous situation for motorcyclists and keeping our stormwater drains clear. Thank you!

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